Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nappy Hair Blog for Black Women

This is the newest (as of now) blog for African American women with natural hair.  Actually, it may end up being just me writing about things that interest me and my hair but oh well.

The blog is entitled Nappy Not Curled because I personally embrace the term "nappy."  I have type 4 hair that does not curl or coil.  It looks like the first image you think of when I say "afro."  It's spongy, cloudy, cottony with no curls to speak of.  It's just kinky afro nappy hair. 

I realize that when most people describe someone's hair as nappy they aren't saying it in a positive way, however I describe my own hair as such because it gives the receiver a better picture of what my hair is with as little confusion.  No, I don't have 'good' hair', ignorant black person.  There are no curls to define, just naps.  :)  In other words, all of my strands do their own thing.  They don't clump together to form coils or curls.  Each has it's own crinkly or S shaped pattern.

In my opinion, many black women are unsuccessful with their natural journeys because they are disappointed when they see that their hair isn't curly like the next natural's may be.  And then you see black women with obviously nappy hair (like mine) trying to claim curls.  Nothing wrong with curls, but accept what you have.  That's the point of it all. 

I can do twist outs, afro puffs, etc and maybe people with afro hair like mine may benefit. 

I plan to share videos, articles and just my experience with my hair.  I don't plan to take pictures at the moment but that's a possibility.

So, that's my intro.  I hope you come back to visit.  


  1. I was just fishing around the internet looking to see if there were actually 5 (a,b,c) hair when I found your blog. I thought "yes! This is me". I am Nappy! I have twisted, braided, and pineappled my hair. I have flat ironed and used a straighting comb on it. I have hennaed (that's for my grays) and indigoed. I'm tired. I had chemo a few years ago and decided that I had enough chemicals going into my body, without putting more on my body.

    I have searched and u-tubed all over the place.. You are the first natural lady that I have connected to enough to reply to. If this is your only blog, please know that you have reached someone and that I smiled the entire time I was reading .

    Thank you,

  2. Jezz, this is from2012! How new am I to the game? Do you still even check this blog?
